The rainy season is here and somehow I feel relieved because I remember just how hot it was during the summer.
But just as the rains started to come, so did these darn smoquitos, as Anissa used to call them when she was a toddler.
I've always been wary about using products containing DEET on my kids. Sadly, the only thing that's readily-available in the market to prevent mosquito bites is OFF Lotion, which I personally don't like.
I don't know why but eversince I gave birth to Sabine, I notice that I became more prone to mosquito bites. I'd sit in our small lanai reading the papers or having coffee with several other people and the only one who would end up with multiple bites is me
Johnson and Johnson used to carry their own insect repellant which according to another Mommy friend really worked for her and her kids. I don't know why they discontinued the product.
Luckily while I was browsing through GirlTalk last week, I chanced upon a thread advertising virgin coconut oil products called COCO CABANA. I've heard a lot of people talk about the benefits of virgin coconut oil but I've never used it. I ordered a bottle (100ml) of the Insect Repellant and I got the package just this morning. I'm going to use it on Sabine when she goes out for her afternoon walk later.
Equally interesting are other COCO CABANA products such as the Liniment, Make Up Remover, Daily Intensive Hair Care Oil, Daily Intensive Skin Care Oil, Natural Hand Degreaser (I'm intrigued by this) and Suntan Oil. All products are all-natural, of course.
The repellant smells so good, more like Citronella than coconut
Visit Joanna's website at http://ethanstore.multiply.com if you want to order from her
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