Monday, October 4, 2010

Teenage Parental Syndrome

They weren't kidding when they said how challenging these years could be for a parent. In my case, the challenges have just begun and I'm certainly not enjoying them. My only consolation is that there are other parents everywhere who are going through the same experience. I am not alone.

My guiding principle as a teenager's parent? Hate me now, thank me later. I can't avoid being the "bad cop". I can't bear the thought of not raising my child the way I know how. I may be overly-critical at times (I'm sure she'll say this is an understatement) but I would rather be that way than see her do the wrong things.

Here's something I saw and would like to share to all other parents out there...

They're only little once.

Grant me the wisdom to guide them down the path that their feet should take.

For I know that they can never turn back and walk those paths with me again.

Give me the wisdom to guide their feet
so that someday they'll be able to walk alone.

They're only little once.

Give me the time I need to enjoy them.

For I know that after they're grown, I'll never have another chance

to tell stories and pretend at those tea parties.

I'll never have another chance

to watch them in a school play or sing in church, or to see them catch that first fish or score that first goal or hit that first home run ball.

Give me the time in life's busy schedule
to have fun with my children.

They're only little once.

Let me be a loving parent.

Let me correct and not just punish, explain and not merely scold.

Let me know when to correct, and how often, and when it's best to just look the other way.

Help me be patient and give me a gentle hand to mould them into better people.

They're only little once.

Let me be a good teacher and an even better example.

Give me the right words and deeds to teach them.

Help me to teach them about You and how to walk in Your ways

so that when they are old they will not depart from Your ways.

For they're only little one time,

only innocent and trusting and pliable for a space of time, one minute in an eternity.

Let me do my best for them while I have the chance.


~~ Author Unknown ~~

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