Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I didn't know this was possible

Giving birth to two babies, just minutes apart? If they were twins this would be nothing extraordinary. But they're NOT twins. Mind boggling hehehe

When doctors had to perform an emergency caesarean delivery on their mother Amelia Spence, Ame was born at 29 weeks and Lia at 32.

Miss Spence, 29, said: "It is hard to get our heads around the fact that I was pregnant with two babies at the same time and they aren't twins.

"When I explain it to people they get very confused."

Even more amazingly, Miss Spence became pregnant twice in three weeks while she was taking the contraceptive pill.

She said: "For that to happen twice in three weeks is just unbelievable."

Doctors have explained that hers is a rare case of superfetation, where the body carries on releasing more eggs for fertilisation after a pregnancy has already occurred.

Miss Spence, who lives in Glasgow with partner George Herrity, 33, a tyre fitter, and her two other children, Jordan, nine, and eight-yearold Declan, got the bombshell news when she went for her 12-week scan at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley.

Read more HERE


  1. well i guess they've explained it clearly, let's just accept the fact that they're not twins, but what i can only say is that, they are both sooooo cute and adorable!!!

  2. I remember an episode of Grey's Anatomy where a similar case happened, only there are 2 different fathers...

  3. mcdreamer...yes, I have to agree with you 100%. They are just overflowing with cuteness =)

    loi...i almost forgot about that episode. Thanks for the reminder. =)
