Friday, February 15, 2013

Cheap Find(s) : SM Kids Fashion

My Sabine is totally addicted to anything fashion-related. At 6 years old, she chooses her own outfits (sometimes I get the urge to control her colour choices) and will tell me outright, "I don't want that, I have something else in mind." I don't remember Anissa being so independent and headstrong at this age. 

So on the night we were looking for Prom shoes for Anissa, Sabine had an entirely different agenda. I had SM Kids gift certificates with me and told her she could shop using them. Boy, did she shop!

Even if I'm not a frequent SM Department Store goer, I know that there's so much potential as far as merchandise is concerned --- so much more than a few years ago. 

The main brands that Sabine bought from are Modern Princess and Little Miss. 
I'm really impressed!

Take note ... she was the one who matched the first two ensembles. They're actually 4 pieces sold separately. Not bad, huh? 

I personally chose this dress because of the detail on the top part, never mind if the skirt looks like the one in the first ensemble.

This poncho-looking top is again, Sabine's choice. She likes the tulle ribbon. It just looks like a poncho but there are arm holes so it's really a top. How cute! 

All together now! For a little less than Php 2,000!

She didn't explore other colors haha. That's cause she really loves anything pink. 
Truly a girly girl. 

Note to Dada : Save up for this little girl's shopping trips, please? 

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