Have you ever walked out of a Watson's store with nothing in your hand?
I doubt.
This is what always happens to me whenever I'm there. I go because I need to buy something and I do end up getting it. But I also end up getting a bunch of other stuff "just because". Tonight was no exception.
I'm not going to disclose everything that went into my basket. Only the ones that are worth sharing here.
Let's start with ...
yes, cottonballs
Who doesn't need them? I use them all the time to remove make up and nail polish. I prefer cotton balls over the traditional type which you need to "tear off". The balls are so much more convenient to use.

The first container cost me a little over Php 40.00 (USD .90)
The second one? ONE PESO. It's an ongoing promo. I'm just not sure if all branches have it.
(We went to the one in 1800 in Eastwood)

This small kit contains : hand sanitizer, toilet seat sanitizer, citronella insect repellant spray, a pack of tissues and a boo boo strip (aka Band Aid). I got this for Anissa to keep inside her school bag at all times. Very handy! The pouch also comes in black. Php 145 (a little over USD 3.00)

I've always been a sucker for drugstore cosmetic brands
Although my favorite brand is NYX, it's not that easy to find here. Watson's carries ELF, including their Studio Line. I got the Eyelid Primer and the Dual Mascara (regular and waterproof in one tube). Each costs Php 129.95 (USD 3.00)

Cutesie nail polishes and nail glitters for the girls
These Japanese (or are they Korean?)-made nail products cost less than Php 100 each so it's pretty hard to say no to my girls whenever they go nuts and dump them in the basket
Lastly, not from Watson's but from their stall inside the Eastwood Mall

Our favorite thing to buy from Royce
If Neal and I share this with the girls, we can finish it all off in half an hour tops
I think we need to get the bigger box next time. This one costs Php 540 (USD 12.00 something)
That's it for this weekend.
Happy Father's Day again to all the wonderful fathers out there!

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