Whenever someone talks about cooking or baking or anything that involves spending hours in the kitchen, my reason for not actively participating in the discussion is...
That's really a sorry excuse which should read : I don't know how to cook because I never tried to learn. Sure I've had a few attempts. It's not like I've NEVER EVER cooked anything in my 42 years. I just never really got into it. It wasn't something I was interested in.
Weeks ago, there was this rare moment when I suddenly was in the mood to cook. I even posted photos of my finished products here. They don't look so bad right? Yesterday, I felt that sudden urge again (yeah right, like a month later?! hahaha!). Just like weeks ago, I got some ribbing from Neal and the kids, otherwise known as my "board of judges". No offense taken. After all, they almost never see me touch anything that's kitchen related.
Here's what I prepared for dinner for mi famille...

Glazed Pork Bellies with garlic, ginger and soy. I found the recipe on the internet, of course. It was pretty easy to do and with ingredients that you don't need to run to the store last minute to get. Don't mind the Pinakbet though because it was Yaya who cooked it. I was scared I might not get it right.
I was sticky and stinky after I was done preparing everything but it was all worth it. My "board of judges" gave me three thumbs up!
I'll share the recipe in a separate entry later.
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