A few months ago, I received a notice from Ebay.ph about some charges that I need to settle. Charges for what??? I'm such a cheapo, I don't like being charged unnecessarily. Even when it comes to iPhone apps, I hardly purchase and always get the FREE version first until such time I decide I want the app permanently. So when I got that email, my first instinct was to look for someone to talk to to clear the air. Turns out, I was being charged for using certain features when posting my items. Funny thing is, I never used any of the features the Ebay staff detailed to me. I ended the chat and did nothing.
Even if I was being charged only Php 500 something and it wouldn't have hurt my wallet much, I didn't want to pay for something I didn't use. I've been standing my ground since then, despite many emailed notices from them reminding me that I need to pay to re-activate my suspended account. I haven't been able to sell or buy anything for months.
It peeves me no end knowing that the only way I can return to normal activities is to pay.
N thinks I'm being ridiculously principled about this. I didn't think so in the beginning.
But now? Hmmm...

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