Sabine is turning 6 in a few days !
Nope, we're not giving her a huge party. She'll be 7 next year so I'm thinking that's when we should have one. But we celebrate birthdays, nonetheless, and she's always been so appreciative even of the little things we do for her.
I saw Sophie's Mom tweet about this Rainbow Brite cake recently and I immediately fell in love with all the colors! But Sabine wants a Hello Kitty themed cake so I messaged them to ask what they could do about it. Soon enough, I found myself placing an order. I can't wait to see the finished product. I asked that the cake be Red Velvet because Sabine just really loves the icing part but Anissa is a Red Velvet addict. An 8-inch themed cake for Php 950 is really a good deal. I'm feeling a bit disloyal right now, because for so many years I've ordered the girls' cakes from French Kiss Pastries and they've never ever failed me. The people there are super nice so I'm sure they'll understand (yikesssss).
I also came across these printables in LeelouBlogs. Downloadable Birthday Questionnaires for toddlers, how fun!!! I've saved them and I intend to ask Sabine to answer the questions so I can show them to her when she's bigger. I wish I had discovered these earlier on! Here's the link to the page with the questionnaires if you want to download them yourself:
I'll definitely share the actual photos of the birthday cake after her birthday on the 18th!

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